Helpful Links

Thanks for visiting Gay Realty Network. If you are a real estate professional, you have come to the right place. We’re the premier site to find an LGBTQ+ real estate professional, in operation since 2001.

If you get stuck anywhere along the way, please email us at

We’ve collected some links which may be helpful to you here:

Login (Existing Accounts)
If you have previously added a lodging, travel agent/tour operator or inns for sale listing and you want to make changes or renew/upgrade, use the link above to login.

Register (New Accounts)
If you are new to the site and want to request a real estate professional listing, create an account using the link above and then choose Request Listing from the menu bar or the option below

Create a Directory Profile
Once you have created a login account, use the link above to create a profile on our directory.

Reset Your Password
If you lost/forgot your password, you can request a reset password email here.

Upgrade Your Existing Profile
If you want to upgrade your existing real estate professional profile listing, use the link above to see the options.

Your Account
To see details about your account with us, use the link above.

Your Profile
To see (and edit) your existing real estate professional profile listing, use the link above.

Contact Us

If you need to contact us, you can email us at

For more urgent queries, you can also contact Scott via Facebook messenger here. Just let him know you are a GRN client, what your listed name is, and the issue.